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My name is Albin and I'm currently studying level design at The Game Assembly in Stockholm. I am looking for internship between August 2021 - April 2022

Like many others, I used to play a lot of games as a child. My first vision of designing a game myself came when I was 8 years old. But it remained just a dream through all this time until mow. Finally I am making games! Though I have only just begun scratching the surface, I am as hungry as ever for more knowledge and experience. Aside from making games, I play the piano, make music and sounds for a hobby, which I often implement to games as well. Oh, and I'm also a very fit game developer! Life without physical activity is not complete if you ask me. 

When it comes to my interest in games, I am today mostly fascinated by the indie genre, but there are a few AAA games that made it to my favorites, like the Zelda series, the Devil May Cry series, and Skyrim. However, nowadays I'm for the vast majority of time making games rather than playing games. This is what I wish to continue doing! Let's produce more awesome stuff for people to experience!  

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